Okay, this is where I might lose a few followers. But I'm in such an irritated mood right now, I don't really care. (No, wait. I care. Please don't stop following me. Please still be my friend. I'm just irritated and I have to vent. I do not mean anything against any of my followers, because as far as I know, none of you have participated in these Chain Posts. I have my opinions; everyone has their own. And I truly apologize to my friends if the following statements make you mad. I am not trying to be mean. I am just venting. We're still friends, right? ;) )
Today is Veterans' Day. And I am all about honoring the Veterans, as well as all of our current troops here in the US or abroad. But I have to get on my soap box.
I am a huge Facebook fanatic. I spend a lot of time every day looking at my News Feed. Pathetic, maybe, but that's not the point here. The point is that I always see people posting these statements about supposed "taboo" subjects that they want people to re-post. You've all seen them. They're like, "Babies are a miracle. Re-post this if you have ever had a baby, lost a baby, had to give a baby up" blah blah blah. Okay, I've had a baby. I've never had to give one up and I have never had to have an abortion but I think I still fall under this category. So you've got me interested in your post. Then it says something like "Most people won't post this because losing a baby is still a taboo subject." Uh, really? I know abortion is a taboo subject, and some people might not agree with putting a baby up for adoption, but are miscarriages considered taboo? Well, maybe, but that's still not my point. My point is that whoever (whomever? I'm not sure about this grammatical rule) wrote this post originally had the audacity to claim that they were better than others because they wrote this post, and that the tiny percentage of people who re-posted this are better than the others who chose NOT to re-post. Well, first of all, when you exclude people in your regulations as to who is to re-post ("Re-post if you have ever had a baby, lost a baby, etc." - this particular example did not include people who have never had children to the list of those who should re-post), that means that a LOT of people won't re-post. Then to say that "most people won't re-post this because it's such a taboo subject" is like saying "Hey, you there, reading my post. If you don't re-post this, you're an ass and you have no feelings."
Excuse me, but I find this ridiculous. First of all, the audacity of this statement makes me absolutely not want to re-post. Also, I've never liked Chain Letters. And that's what these are. Facebook Chain Posts. They've simply changed "Mail this to 10 friends or you'll have bad luck" to "Re-post this or everyone will know what a heartless asshole you are."
Okay, with that off my chest (sigh), I move on to the posts about Veterans and our troops. Often these are also Chain Posts, but a little different. This is one that I saw today:
"A Combat Veteran is someone, who at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America for an amount up to, and including, their life. Regardless of personal political views, that is an honor and a sacrifice. There are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact. In honor of Veterans' Day, re-post this if you know and/or love a Veteran!"
Alright. So this one is a bit different than the "taboo subject" ones. But it still has that "You're an asshole if you don't re-post this" vibe about it. I like the first sentence. It's well-written and poignant. But then we get to the next sentence. "Regardless of personal political views, that is an honor and a sacrifice." Yes, this is true. But why do politics need to be mentioned here? What they're trying to say here is that we all should support the troops, regardless of our political affiliation. My point is that we all DO support the troops, regardless of our political affiliation. Politics have nothing to do with it. We all recognize that these men and women risk their lives for our freedoms every day. That many lose their lives for it. I am perfectly aware that thousands and thousands of soldiers have lost their lives so that I am free to sit here and write this little post. I am not trying to dishonor them, or their fellow troops that are still alive, or their families. I support them 100%. I could not do what they do, and I have the highest respect for them. And this is my point. EVERYONE does. Have you ever met an American in your life that didn't support the troops? Sure, you may have met someone who didn't support the current war, but they always support the troops. Every single one of them supports the troops.
Yes, I agree that our brothers and sisters in the service deserve a better life while serving and when they return. I saw Oprah. I know that thousands of our female (and male) veterans are homeless. This is ridiculous. They deserve to be paid as well as many of the celebrities and athletes out there. But my point is that these posts, while trying to honor the men and women in our armed services, simply make you feel like an asshole if you don't re-post. Oh, and don't think that I don't know that when they say "Regardless of personal political views, that is an honor and a sacrifice. There are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact" they are talking about Democrats. Many Republicans seem to think that, because many Democrats do not support the war in Iraq or the War on Terrorism that they have forgotten about our troops and that they don't support them. My point is that this is simply NOT TRUE. We all support our troops, Republicans and Democrats. Therefore the Chain Post's implication that we SHOULD all support the troops, "regardless of personal political views," is unnecessary. You don't need to say that we "should" do something when we all do it already. And I simply do not agree with the statement that "there are way too many people in this country who no longer remember that fact." This is absurd. Like I said above, how many people have you met in your lifetime that outwardly say that they do not support the troops? (Remember, I'm talking about the troops, not the war.)
Okay, so obviously I'm not going to re-post this because 1) it's a Chain Post, 2) it gets its kicks making others seem like heartless asses, and 3) it's simply incorrect.
The posts I've seen today that I do like, however:
- "Thank you to all that are/have served our country." See. Short and sweet, no blame or derision. Just a simple thank you.
- "Remembering those who have served." Again, short and sweet and to the point.
- "Thankful for all the veterans..." Again. Thankful.
- "Happy Veterans' Day. Thank you so much to all those who serve and have served our country." See a pattern?
- "[Person's name] is so thankful to every man and woman who has served our country. Happy Veterans' Day to you! :)"
- "Thank you to all who have served and are serving in the military. God bless you and your families!"
These people, some of which are Republican, some of which are Democrat, have got it right. They thank the men and women who have served their country, and they did not feel the need to re-post a Chain Post, nor did they feel the need to make others feel wrong or heartless because they supposedly don't support the troops. Once again, this is wrong. Everyone supports the troops. Just because someone doesn't support the war doesn't mean they don't support the troops.
And, in conclusion, I just want to say something to the troops. Thank you. Thank each and every one of you for what you have done, what you are doing, what you will do. You are all braver than I will ever be. You are more selfless than I will ever be. It is because of you that I am able to make this ridiculous post. It is because of you that I am able to have these crazy opinions and spout them off whenever I want to. It is because of you that we have things like Facebook. It is because of you that I have friends who, regardless if they agree with me or not, will still be my friends because they realize that I have my opinions and that I mean no disrespect towards anyone. Um, maybe that's a stretch. But in all honesty, please believe me, troops. I support you. And I really believe that everyone in the US is behind you, even if they do not support the war.
And truly, friends, I am simply venting. I do not hate Republicans or even people who re-post Chain Posts. I do not hate anyone. I just don't like those Chain Posts. And I'm sorry if I offended anyone.