Monday, November 8, 2010

Write Every Day Challenge, Day #36

It's been over a week since my last blog post, but that does NOT mean that I haven't been writing!  NaNoWriMo is in full swing, and I've been writing every day for that.  But my friend, Courtney, has expressed how much she enjoys reading my blogs on a regular basis, so I thought I'd go ahead and blog today.  Too bad this blog doesn't count towards my NaNo word count!  (Hmm, that gives me an idea...) ;)

The main problem I have with this blog is that I have so little to write about.  I come up with some topic ideas, but I quickly throw them out because they just don't seem interesting.  Some random topic ideas I've had recently:

  • How track #6 on a compact disc is often the best song.  (Track #7 and #2 are often quite good as well.)
  • My take on a completely ridiculous video I saw today.  (I won't get into this one because it's so completely asinine, and the horrible fact is that some people in the world actually BELIEVE it.)
  • Comments on children's television.  (This is actually not too bad of an idea - I could review television shows aimed at children, rate them and rank them based on entertainment and educational value.)  I think I might actually do this!  But not today - I'll have to figure out my rating system, and then start watching some shows!
Anyway, aside from the fact that I just came up with a pretty good blog topic, it is actually pretty hard for me to come up with new topics all the time.  So maybe this review of children's shows will give my blog the kick in the pants it needs!

So, sorry for the lame excuse for a blog post today, but I want to get back to my NaNo novel!


  1. 13,500?! When did that happen? AND you had time to post? You're starting to make me feel like a slacker.

    Just to let you know, I have a blog now, too. See my first post "Peer Pressure - A Victim's Perspective". I have changed the names to protect the innocent, but you may recognize a couple of people.

  2. I am totally fighting the urge to get up and look at the back of all my favorite cd's to see how accurate your "track 6" theory is. Off the top of my head I can tell you the track 6 of U2's No Line on the Horizon is "Get on Your Boots" which I love, on their Rattle and Hum album I know it is "I Still haven't found what I'm looking for", which I mean, come on, who doesn't love? However, on Achtung Baby I'm pretty sure track 6 is "So Cruel" which is not one of my favorites, but then again I could be wrong. Also track 6 on the Say Anything soundtrack is Peter Gabrel's "In Your Eyes" :)

    Also I really want to know what video you are referring to!
