So with NaNoWriMo coming up in a month and a half, I've been trying to think of a plot for my novel. As I said on a previous post ("Writing Away," on September 3rd, 2010), I came up with a plot but I think I've finally decided to save that for Script Frenzy next year. It seems very visual to me, and I can definitely see it as a movie. I also realized that it might be hard to put into a novel format.
So now I'm officially on the search for a new NaNo plot. I'm really leaning toward Science Fiction, because I really enjoy reading books (and watching movies and TV shows) in that genre. The post-apocalyptic idea is really sticking in my head. But I keep thinking these what-ifs (like, "What if this crazy thing happened to the earth?") and each one is immediately followed by "been done." I mean, I know there are supposedly only so many plots, and each one has been done a million times, but that doesn't keep me from wanting to come up with something completely original. I know, I know. If I keep thinking like that I'll never come up with an idea. I just hate the idea of coming up with a brilliant plot, only to discover that it's so close to something already out there.
I think I might order No Plot? No Problem!, written by Chris Baty, director of NaNo. It is written specifically to help you write a book in a short period of time without the luxury of a preconceived plot, characters, etc. I am also keeping a journal of plot and character ideas. Other than that, I really have no idea how to come up with this plot. It's always been a creative problem of mine. Even with my drawing, it's hard for me to come up with something in my head. It's much easier to do still-life. But I guess I need to quit shying away from the challenge. There is an awesome novel inside me, somewhere, just waiting to come out. I know that much.
I found this site I'm sure you've seen. It helps you print and sell books.
I have no idea what I am going to write but I am currently reading a book called "How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy" by Orson Scott Card. Hopefully it will help but I'm not done yet.